
Relationship Coach

Ignite the Spark back into your Relationship!
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I am so glad that you are here.
Somehow I knew you would find me because I’ve been waiting for you.

And I believe that it’s no accident…I believe that you find what you need when you’re truly ready to transform and leave behind the patterns that are no longer serving you. And I know that this is the beginning of something not just exciting, but life changing for you.

If you’re struggling to bring the fun, romance and passion back to your relationship, you’re in the right place… relationship, you’re in the right place…

My name is Sharon K Chapman
I’m the Relationship Coach for men and women like you, who know that it’s time to learn the easy and effective ways to create and maintain the love you truly desire. With 20 years experience, I have your back every step of the way.

Traditional coaching methods or self-help books only give you part of the puzzle and once I’d found the answers so many are desperately searching for (in the wrong places), I knew it was my soul’s calling sharing them with you.  

Right now, you might not believe that it’s possible to move from a relationship based in hurt and drama into one that is happy and full of passion, but I’m here to show you that it is. 

Regardless of your story and relationship experiences in life so far, I am here to guide you into a place of confidence and certainty.

There’s a proven system for transforming your relationship with simple skills anyone can learn. And they’re probably something you’ve never been taught…

Even if you’ve gone on to create a successful career and a rewarding lifestyle, it is no secret that many of us experience unfulfilling relationships because nobody ever teaches us the very skills to keep them alive and thriving. And quite often, painful events from our past are still playing out in our adult relationships causing lack of trust, connection and passion.

But now, you are willing to acknowledge that you want closure on the past so that you can enjoy a great relationship today. And it all starts from within and the most important relationship of all – the one with yourself.

Years ago I was flitting from one relationship to another, avoiding them altogether or sabotaging any good ones that came along. And yet I would see others forming loving and lasting relationships. In my heart, I knew this is what I really wanted and desired. But I had no idea that the unresolved emotional baggage from my past was still affecting me. Once I realized that I could recreate my life as I wanted it to be…I knew I had to stop. Get real. Get raw. Get honest. Ask for professional help. Be guided. Resolve my shiz. Learn to take responsibility for myself from an empowered place. And evolve into the person I truly desired to be.

And once I did – within 3 months – I met my wonderful husband. We’ve been together 8 years & happily married for 4.

I went from avoiding a loving relationship to welcoming confidence, laughter, joy, trust and deep intimacy into my life… Believing in, and supporting each other. Communicating respectfully. Resolving conflict in a non-abusive, loving way (because conflict happens from time to time, even in wonderful relationships…and it doesn’t mean that you have to scream and shout, or pack your bags and leave… I know, right? Who knew that disagreeing could be healthy?) We have everything that seems ‘normal’, but that so many people like you and I have struggled to create and maintain.
With my expert guidance you will resolve emotional baggage, allowing in all the good things – joy, attraction and passion.

Because the TRUTH is…

Everybody wants relationships where they are loved, accepted, respected and cherished for who they are. 

Together we will do this. You’re not on your own anymore, and you don’t have to settle for anything less than you deserve. 
Now it’s your turn to put the Spark back into your Relationship!
Let’s do this! Coaching with me….  

3 sessions

Ignite the Spark
Rescue your Relationship

6 week program

Ignite the Spark

Revitalize your Relationship

1 Day Intensive

Breakthrough to
Relationship Success

Packages include:

• Confidential, personalised coaching sessions (in person or via Skype)

• Interim email support between sessions

• Resources and practical life strategies that take only minutes per day

• A comprehensive evaluation of your challenges ensuring your results

Discounted follow up sessions available for those who have completed a package & want to continued successful progress.

Coaching is available through packages only (partial payments are available). If you would like a complimentary 15 minute Discovery Call to ask some questions about Coaching with me…Apply for yours here.

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